Getting Started

Getting Started

by Moodle Admin -
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Find Courses Before Your First Class

Courses can be found with the "My courses" link near the top left.
Upcoming semester courses can also be found in the following places:
User profile - After logging in, click your name in the top right and choose Profile from the menu.  Courses are listed in the course details section of the profile.
My courses - Click "My courses" along the top.  Click the drop down menu that reads "All" and choose "Future" to see a list of upcoming courses that have not yet started.

On the Moodle home page, the course search field (or "Course Search" link along the top left) can also be used to find courses by name or course ID number (from Self-Service).

If you still don't see one or more of your courses on Moodle but they are listed under your registered courses in Self-Service, the course may be hidden from student view.  Please reach out to your professor if you suspect this might be the case.

Documentation for Faculty:

How-To Articles and Videos

 Note: Course shells will be created automatically from the information in Self-Service.

 If you're having trouble with Moodle, please contact Technical Support at 630-844-5790, by emailing, or chat with us through the Support link on

Student Success Events and Resources

Course Access

Click "My Courses" along the top to view a list of your courses.

Prior to the start of term, upcoming courses can be found in the "Future" list.